June 4th: Food Truck Thursdays in Knightdale

Are you near Knightdale Station Park during lunch today (and every Thursday)?  If so, swing by for Food Truck Thursdays.

Today, CockADoodleMoo will be there with their local, all natural, global tastes with their creative culinary creations!  Chef Doug has a great culinary history, which you will appreciate in every bite.  So, head to Knightdale Station Park now.  If you haven’t had them before, check out their website for their menu.  Also, this morning you may want to check out their Behind The Wheel (it’s a video!)

CDM-State Divided-1

What’s cool about the Knightdale Station Park is there is a lot of space, which you can have a food truck picnic or hang out under the pavilion.

If you were curious of the other trucks scheduled (but you really should hit up CockADoodleMoo today).  The more popular this event is, the bigger an opportunity for more trucks (dessert anyone?) or other additions.  Here is the remaining schedule are through June.

6/11/2015   Stuft
6/18/2015   Virgil’s Jamaica
6/25/2015   Chirba Chirba

Here are more details from the Town of Knightdale, check out

Knightdale Station Park is located at 810 N. First Avenue in Knightdale.

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